Get involved

If you believe the future is circular, you’re invited to connect with some of the local groups and individuals who are leading the transition to a more sustainable local economy that produces less waste.
Explore these ways to get circular!
Did you know? Northeast Ohio has 370 food companies; it’s among Ohio’s largest industries. Food and beverage production in Cleveland consumes 1.962 million tons of natural resources to produce and transport to stores. Combined with households, agriculture produces 189,000 tons of waste annually.
That means reducing food waste will have a big impact on pollution. These resources can help:
- Food donation: Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland
- How to compost at home and in your community: Rust Belt Riders
- Growing your own food: OSU Agricultural Extension
- Growing food, improving health of people and land: RidAll Green Partnership
- Youth cooking, nutrition, and food production in Cleveland: Foodstrong
- Refugee work programs in local food: Ohio City Farm & Refugee Response
- Learn how to host a reduced or zero-waste event
- Equity-based community supported agriculture: CityFresh
- Community-based circular economy and healthy food: Loiter East Cleveland
- Brewing Beer From Surplus Bread
- Living compost made from local food scraps diverted from landfills: Tilth Soil
Did you know? Gasoline consumed by Clevelanders driving cars equals 23,000 terajoules of energy a year. That’s the equivalent energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 365 times. Our consumption produces 2.22 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
Cleveland has many resources to help lower transportation emissions, including investments in bicycle, transit and shared-mobility infrastructure.
- Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA)
- Transit advocacy group: Clevelanders for Public Transit
- Equity-based transit and micro mobility: The Paradox Prize
- Car donation
- Advocates for equity in transportation: Clevelanders for Transportation Equity
- Northeast Ohio ride share, transit and bike commute hub: Gohio Commute
- Organization dedicated to teaching bike repair: Ohio City Bike Co-Op
The raw materials that go into electronics purchased in Cleveland add up to 65,200 tons each year. In addition, appliances are a portion of the 146,000 tons of resources needed to make miscellaneous manufactured products. Currently, only 4.48 tons of electronics are being recycled in Cleveland per year.
With more robust repair practices, those figures can improve. These resources can help:
- Repair cafes where you can sharpen your DIY skills: Fix It CLE
- Repair and donate old computers: PCs for People, RET3
- Repair/resale businesses: Cleveland Clock Company, Top TV & Appliance, Lorain Furniture, Blue Arrow Records, CD Game Exchange, The Vinyl Groove
- Find out where to donate working electronics at Cuyahoga Recycles.
- Learn more about manufacturers’ take-back programs here.
Textiles and leather purchased by Clevelanders consume 31,500 tons of resources each year. When you reuse, repair or upcycle, you’re making the most use out of the resources embodied in your clothes.
- Mending and refashioning Cleveland Sews, OH Sew Powerful, Dru Christine Fabrics & Design.
- Rust Belt Fibershed offers an alternative to the waste of fast fashion.
- Repair resources and classes: Fix It CLE
- UpCycle Parts Shop works to provoke creativity and build community.
- Scene’s list of Cleveland’s top thrift stores
- Make Fashion Circular joins forces with City of New York and fashion industry to tackle clothing waste: #WearNext
The greenest building is the one that is already built.” –Carl Elfante
- Habitat for Humanity ReStore
- Architectural salvage–buy and sell: Rebuilder’s Exchange
- Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition resources
- Cleveland Restoration Society
- Top 10 reasons to save, not replace, your original wood windows.
- Learn more about the hidden environmental toll of mining the world’s sand
- Why historic preservation is the greener choice.
- Recycling construction and demolition debris: Rosby Resource Recycling
- A closed-loop, collaborative network of businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs where one organization’s hard-to-recycle wastes and by-products becomes another organization’s raw material: Ohio Materials Marketplace
City of Cleveland curbside recycling is back.
- Find out what else can and cannot be recycled: Cuyahoga Recycles
- Your local scrap yards pay cash for dozens of kinds of scrap metal, including insulated wire. Here are two local scrap metal locations: East/West Side Metals and All City Recycling.
- Community groups organizing recycling and reuse: West Side Trash Connectors and Old Brooklyn Recycles
- An asset management company, introducing the circular economy, resource sharing, and waste diversion into business models: Rheaply
- Why buy in bulk?
- For more information about the impact of household solid waste: EPA facts and figures.